Criminal Defense: Helping Triangle Residents with Legal Issues and Criminal Record Expunctions

Ekstrand & Ekstrand defends people in all phases of the criminal process, those accused of crimes – from infractions, to misdemeanors, to felonies – whether they are the accused, the target of a police or grand jury investigation, or as a material witness in a criminal matter.

Defending Students and Citizens Accused of Crimes

The Firm frequently represents students and citizens who are charged with criminal offenses. In those cases, the Firm often represents the student in parallel investigations or disciplinary proceedings initiated by the student’s college or university.

The cornerstone of the Firm’s reputation in defending the accused is its exhaustive factual investigations and creative legal approaches. Our experience has shown that early intervention can make all the difference in the outcome; our involvement at the earliest stages of a case has sometimes enabled our clients to avoid charges altogether, and, when charges cannot be avoided, early intervention often enables the firm to secure important evidence and witnesses. When a case does go to trial, the Firm employs all of its energies to achieving victory. This unparalleled emphasis on winning is what sets us apart, and is what brings clients who can settle for nothing less than complete victory.

Minimizing Reputational Harm: Expunctions

A clear criminal record is of paramount importance to most individuals, particularly students who are applying for highly competitive employment opportunities, internships, fellowships, or admission to graduate schools.  One of our central aims in representing any person accused of criminal misconduct is to prevent a permanent record of the allegations or charges. In North Carolina, the most effective means of clearing a person’s record is through expunction. Expunction is governed by statutes, which authorize expunction of all records of criminal proceedings in certain, enumerated circumstances. Thus, the Firm designs its defense to maximize the possibility that the record of the proceedings may be expunged. This “second chance” at a clear record enables a person to avoid disclosure of an embarrassing or misleading record of an arrest, charge or conviction. The Firm regularly offers its services in petitioning for expunctions as an additional or stand-alone service. Learn more about North Carolina expunctions.